From the smallest to the largest – the Trust Network serves them all!



Octopus ukuleles retailing from £34 in MI to EDC speaker systems that range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pounds per project in the live, instal, rental, worship, theatre, transport and commercial markets of pro audio, are among the brands who have engaged the Trust Network to help bring them together with suitable international distributors.


For Octopus, a UK product combining remarkable value with great brand differentiation, the target is MI distribution in the USA.


For EDC, an American company armed with game-changing technology, the target is pro audio distribution in Europe.


This range of products, market sectors, price levels and global coverage reflect the Trust Network’s industry-wide and world-wide reach within the MI and pro audio industries, all of which is put at the disposal of manufacturers and brands seeking music and sound distributors in export territories.